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Akademik Personel
Anabilim Dalı
Doktora, Üniversite Adı, Yıl
University of Freiburg, 2013
Akademik nitelikli veciz söz

" هیچ!.." Rumi

Araştırma Alanları

Ottoman History and Historiography

Socio-Political History of Ottoman Iraq

Modern Turkish History

Kurdish History

History of Minorities in the Middle East

Modern Iranian History

History of Muslim Intellectuals

Middle East Politics

History of Sufis, Wahhabis, and Shi’is

Biographical Studies

Global Micro History


I received my master’s degree in history at the University of Texas at Austin and doctoral degree in Turkish Studies at the University of Freiburg. I completed my doctoral study in 2013 on the modern history of the Middle East focusing on the political activities of Kurdish rulers on the Ottoman-Iranian frontier.  I studied Persian at the University of Tehran and Arabic at the University of Damascus. I was a visiting scholar and lecturer at Boğaziçi, Bilkent, and Basel Universities and post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Great Islamic Encyclopedia in Tehran and Center d'Etudes Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques at EHESS in Paris. I published several articles on the Kurdish, Ottoman, Iranian and Iraqi history in Middle Eastern Studies, Oxford Bibliographies Online, Kurdish Studies, Insight Turkey, Journal of World History, Ab Imperio, Journal of Mesopotamian Studies, Anatoli, Derwaze, Kürt Tarihi, Muhafazakar Düşünce, Kebikeç, and Iraniyat.  Currently, I am a book review editor for Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, published by Indiana University Press and an assistant professor of Middle East History at the Social Sciences University of Ankara.


Verdiği Dersler

World History

Asia in World History

History of Civilizations

Modern History of the Middle East

History of Turkish Republic


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